Vortex Mathematics and 7
If you have done any study with Vortex math you have come to know about the numbers that manifest here on the physical plane.
1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5
When you take 7 and divide into it by the other numbers you are always left with with the physical numbers…
Interestingly 3, 6, 9 are nowhere to be found.
What does that tell you about the number 7?
It can never reach into the Devine dimension.
Notice the path the sequence takes on each iteration of the division into 7

1/7 = 0.142857142857142
( 142857 sequence)

2/7 = 0.2857142857142857
(285714 sequence)

3/7 = 0.428571428571428
(428571 sequence)

4/7 = 0.5714285714285714
(571428 sequence)

5/7 = 0.7142857142857143
(714285 sequence)

6/7 = 0.8571428571428571
(857142 sequence)
Observations Of 7 In The Vortex
Every path and direction of sequence is exactly the same… just the starting point is different.
If you notice the starting sequence is 1 2 4 5 7 8 verses the normal rotation of 1 2 4 8 7 5

Interestingly the 124 says constant in the start of both sequences, which is 1+2+4 = 7

And the reverse order on the last 3 numbers with 7 staying put in the middle of both. Causing 8 and 5 to shift polarity or rotation.
7 finally becomes whole when it reaches itself being 7/7 = 1
But if we continue, the pattern follows after the 1 until reaching the next complete division.
8/7 = 1.14285714285714
9/7 = 1.28571428571428
10/7 = 1.42857142857142
11/7 = 1.571428571428571
12/7 = 1.714285714285714
13/7 = 1.857142857142857
Here is a look at the whole division of 7 sequence.

Number 7 In The Bible
The number 7 occurs in the Bible 404 times.
7 Days of Creation
7 Fold of Vengeance on Cain
7 Pairs of every clean animal Noah was to load into the ark
7 Years of Plenty and 7 Years of Famine
The largest concentration of the number 7 is found in the book of Revelations.
Revelations 1:4 – 7 Congregations, 7 Spirits
*7 Letters directed to the 7 congregations
Revelations 1:12 – 7 Golden Lampstands
Revelations 1:16 – 7 Stars
Revelations 1:20 – 7 Angels
Revelations 4:5 – 7 Lamps
Revelations 5:1 – Scroll with 7 seals
Revelation 5:6 – Lamb with 7 horns, 7 eyes
Revelations 8:2 – 7 Angels standing before the Lord given 7 trumpets
7 Thunders
7 Plagues
7 headed wild beast
16 Visions in total (1 + 6 = 7)
Number 7 In Geometry Speaks Of Giza
7 sided shape is the Heptagon
The sum of all the interior angles is 900*
900 / 7 = 128.57 or the inverse of the slope of Giza (180-52 = 128*)
The central angles when circled in the heptagon, is 360 / 7 = 51.43 or almost exactly the slope of the Giza Pyramid.
Number 7 In The Physical Plane
7 Days of the Week
7 Wonders of the World
7 Continents
Ancients reference 7 Seas
7 Sisters (Pleiades)
7 Colors of the Rainbow
7th Letter in the alphabet is G
7th Letter from Z backwards is T (20th letter) (20 is a hidden 11)
Roman numerical vii = v 22 + i = 9 + i =9 = 40 (variant of the occurrences in the bible)
Always look for the connections.